Oil on hardboard, 10" x 8"
This is a pink/purple Iris painting I did last year that I'm reposting. I really like the flow of it in a painterly way and I just enjoy Irises - period. I'll be gone from my studio for a few days with some artist pals. We're going to explore a few art galleries in Hot Springs and stay at a beautiful, historical B & B. This should be a fun adventure! I have some commissions to return to when I come back that I'll be looking forward to painting.
If you'd like to commission a painting please contact me.
Visit my gallery to -- Purchase $95.00 + $10.00 shipping (for international shipping, please e-mail me )
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Please Visit my gallery to see all of my paintings
Oh' this twin iris was so pretty. It looks so real. I like it. Thanks for sharing.
Wow! cool painting its so adorable I love botanical flowers. Keep posting!
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