Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Picasso Oil Dog Painting Pet Art Animal Commission Portrait
This Doxy portrait of Picasso was finished after the portrait of his daughter, Freckles, which I posted earlier. The two are great friends as will be seen in the final portrait of them together.
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Sunday, December 20, 2015
Christmas Tree Cat Oil Painting Cat Art Pet Portrait Holidays Decorations
Some cats just love to explore Christmas trees and find themselves quite at home among the branches and lights. The ornaments had not been hung on this tree yet and the cat had already made himself comfortable in it.
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Sunday, December 13, 2015
Mallard Duck Oil Bird Wildlife Painting Fowl ACEO Miniature Art
After doing a miniature painting as a commissioned piece, I felt drawn to paint another one. The colorful mallard duck makes lovely reflections in the pond. It was fun to paint with my tiny brushed!
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Tuesday, December 08, 2015
Freckles Oil Dog Painting Pet Art Animal Commission Portrait
I recently painted some Dachshund portraits as commissions. This is the first one, Freckles, who is a double dapple Dachshund and has lots of spots! She's a cutie.
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Saturday, November 21, 2015
Palomino Bunny Oil Rabbit Painting Pet Art Animal Wildlife Domestic Hare
The Palomino bunny is a friendly and well-mannered rabbit. This one has a great expression I think!
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Saturday, November 14, 2015
Pink Dogwood and Goldfinch Oil Bird Flower Wildlife Painting Floral Garden Trees Art
I like the vibrant colors of the combination of the pinks and the Goldfinch's bold yellow and black. He makes a grand statement in his environment!
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Wednesday, November 04, 2015
Hawk in Winter Sky Watercolor Painting Wildlife Art Red-tailed Bird Animal
A red-tailed hawk gliding on air currents and circling overhead is an awesome sight on a crisp winter day!
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Sunday, October 25, 2015
Tiger Swallowtail and Zinnia Oil Butterfly Flower Still Life Painting Floral Garden Insect Art
A glowing yellow and black butterfly lighting on a purple/pink zinnia makes a riot of color and visual interest. Nature and color are the best I think!
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Sunday, October 18, 2015
Chihuahua and Blankets Oil Painting Dog Art Pet Portrait Chihuahua
I was attracted to this little Chihuahua as she was sitting among her many blankets on the sofa. Her light coloring was reflecting the colors of her surroundings and made her very much at home in her space.
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Sunday, October 04, 2015
Aspen Path Aspen Trees Landscape Painting Impressionist Art
The Aspen trees of Colorado make me smile. I wanted to convey that feeling in a simple, straightforward way. I'm happy when I look at it!
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Sunday, September 27, 2015
Trail-Happy Yellow Lab Oil Painting Labrador Retriever Dog Art Pet Portrait Woods
Yellow labs are in my top favorite dogs. They love to hang with people wherever they are and this one is in the woods and is checking something out intently. Their coloring is especially a pleasure to paint.
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Saturday, September 19, 2015
Crowing Rooster Oil Painting rooster Portrait Farm Animal Pet Portrait
This guy is putting all he has into his morning call and I appreciate his spirit! He's a pretty sharp looking rooster too. I love the silver blue-grays mixing in with the yellow-golds in his feathering.
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Sunday, September 06, 2015
Contemplative Jersey Calf Oil Painting Cow Portrait Farm Animal Pet
Calves like to rest their heads and daydream in the soft hay when they have munched enough to get satisfied. This Jersey calf has such sweet, dreamy eyes!
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Saturday, August 29, 2015
Whippet Portrait Watercolor Painting Pet Art Animal Portrait Dog
I've been enjoying painting on an Arches watercolor pad because I don't have to stretch the paper before I begin. This sweet portrait of a Whippet contains just enough detail to show the character and graceful lines of the dog I think.
If you'd like a portrait of your pet please contact me for sizes and prices.
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Saturday, August 15, 2015
Donkey in Meadow Oil Painting Donkey Portrait Farm Animal Pet
A contented donkey is relaxing in a golden meadow of wildflowers. I love to watch a beautiful animal commune with nature.
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Sunday, August 09, 2015
Blue-jay on Perch Oil Painting Bird Art Animal Portrait Wildlife
I revisited the joy of watercolors again and tried to find a balance between detail and washes of color and value. The blue-jay portrait has a nice feeling to me so I'm happy with my effort.
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Saturday, August 01, 2015
Pear Impressions Oil Still Life Painting Fruit Food Art
Nothing lifts the spirit quite like a lively pear painting! I loved the background colors which complement this couple.
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Saturday, July 18, 2015
Annie Oil Painting Pet Portrait Dog Basset Hound Commissioned
Annie was a commissioned painting. She was often seen enjoying rides in her wagon during her senior years. And she appreciated the love and attention that she experienced.
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Sunday, July 12, 2015
Single Stem Oil Rose Flower Still Life Painting Floral Garden Art
Oil on Raymar panel, 10" x 8".
This rose has cream-colored petals that are tipped with crimson and makes a luscious subject to paint and admire.
If you'd like a commissioned painting contact me. Thanks for visiting!
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Sunday, July 05, 2015
Royal Cavalier Oil Painting Pet Portrait Dog King Charles Spaniel
A lovely sable and white Cavalier in the sunshine with a long, flowing coat is a majestic figure! It makes me want another spaniel.
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Friday, June 26, 2015
Hidden Fox Oil Painting Animal Portrait Wildlife
A cute fox is partially hidden in the tall grass in the early morning light. His distinctive marking give him away.
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Thursday, June 18, 2015
On the Vine Tomatoes Oil Painting Tomatoes Still Life Art Vegetable Garden food
Who can resist picking ripe cherry tomatoes on the vine? Painting them is fun too but in a different way and even more rewarding in the end.
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Sunday, June 14, 2015
Donkey in Bluebonnets Oil Painting Animal Portrait Farm Animal Flowers Landscape
Donkeys and bluebonnets go together wonderfully in a Texas rural landscape. This special donkey is a commissioned piece and headed for Texas of course!
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Saturday, June 06, 2015
Black Bear Lounging Oil Painting Animal Portrait Wildlife
This bear has such an endearing look and she seems to speak to me. And she's still very much all bear in every sense.
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Tuesday, June 02, 2015
Soft Chickadee Oil Painting Bird Art Animal Portrait Wildlife
This little chickadee sings his song in the midst of many small trees and bushes and he is very much at home and contented. The medium of watercolor was wonderful in portraying the softness of his feathers and form.
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Friday, May 29, 2015
Sea Shells Oil Painting Still Life Art Ocean Mollusk
I really enjoy painting the details of beautiful, shiny seashells. These shells are part of my collection and they are brought out now and again for happy reminders of seaside adventure.
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Saturday, May 23, 2015
Potted Pansies Oil Painting Flowers Still Life Art Garden Botanical Pale
One of my favorite ways to develop a painting is having the subject on a windowsill. I added a few red and yellow pansies among the many purple ones and really liked the effect.
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Saturday, May 16, 2015
Cardinal in Window Oil Painting Animal Portrait Bird Wildlife
Spring is here but there is a late snowfall for this cardinal. His brilliant coloring glows in the warm light.
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Sunday, May 10, 2015
Soccer Ball Oil Painting Still Life Sports Equipment Toy Ball PlayI
A soccer ball that has been used time and time again was my subject for this painting. I liked painting this portrait view of the ball which shows some "personality" I think.
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Saturday, May 02, 2015
Golden Delight Oil Painting Farm Animal Rooster Portrait Chicken Pet Animal
This is definitely an early morning rooster in deep shadows. The golden light only catches highlights on his head, neck and feathers. His wattles really glow too. He's quite a show-off.
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Saturday, April 25, 2015
Before the Storm Iris Oil Painting Flags Flowers Still Life Art Garden Botanical Spring Rain Clouds
I painted one of my irises against a dark background to bring out the rich colors of the petals. And it allowed the almost transparent whites to glow and wave.
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Sunday, April 19, 2015
Dramatic Lilies Oil Painting Still Life Art Flowers Vase
The day lilies were painted against a white background so it was nearly a study in white on white to me. I thought that each lily seemed to be vying to be the most dramatic of the three so I played up that thought and vision.
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Saturday, April 11, 2015
Tulip in Snow Oil Painting Flowers Still Life Art Garden Botanical Spring Snow
A red and yellow tulip has come up through the snow to burst open in the sunlight. I liked the top view of this bloom!
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Friday, April 03, 2015
Spring Duckling Oil Painting Animal Portrait Pet Farm Animal Peeps Easter
Just in time for Easter, I painted this little yellow duckling in all of her spring innocence and eagerness for life just beginning! And I also think she's more than a little comical.
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Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Donkey Sighting Oil Painting Animal Portrait Miniature Donkey Pet Farm Animal
This curious miniature donkey is spying on visitors as she remains hidden somewhat in the the shadows of an old shed. She'll come out to greet them if they are gentle and have some treats.
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Thursday, March 26, 2015
Champagne Celebration Oil Painting Vase Still Life Art Bottle Ice Party DrinkII
It's time for a celebration and to pop the cork! Of course I loved painting the ice cubes and glass bucket. The grays and golds of the painting were what kept me interested.
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Friday, March 20, 2015
Radical Radishes Oil Painting Vegetables Still Life Art Kitchen Garden Food
An arrangement of my homegrown radishes was my subject again as I wanted to work with the light and dark patterns on these earthy vegetables. The playful roots were an added bonus.
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Sunday, March 15, 2015
Young Duck Water Color Painting Animal Art Duck Portrait Wildlife Water Nature
This little duck is enjoying a leisurely float in a pond. I liked his shadow in the blue water and the quiet ripples around him.
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Saturday, March 07, 2015
Sadie in Summer Oil Painting Pet Cat Art Animal Portrait Siamese Feline Sunshine
I painted this portrait of a beautiful Siamese cat a few years ago when I was exploring painting with watercolor on Bristol board. I remember how I liked the "puddling effect" of the paint on the smooth surface. It's also much easier to lighten an area that has become too dark or intense on the Bristol without ruining the surface of the painting. I think I captured Sadie's intense interest in her environment!
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Sunday, March 01, 2015
Potted Bell Peppers Oil Painting Vegetables Still Life Art Kitchen Garden
I spotted a display of these potted peppers at the Home and Garden Show in Little Rock, AR recently. I don't remember what the vendor was actually selling, but these three guys really caught my eye. The individual peat pots have interesting personalities too!
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Saturday, February 21, 2015
Cold Water Goose Oil Painting Wildlife Art Animal Portrait Canadian Goose
This goose was with several of his buddies in the shallow water at a river's edge. The sun was bright and warm but the water was very cold in the Arkansas winter. I liked his patterns of light and dark against the blues and browns of the water.
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Sunday, February 15, 2015
Winter Woods Oil Painting Landscape Art Winter Trees Snow
I was intrigued by this composition of a tangle of trees in winter. The snow and vegetation are alternately lit by the sun and cast in deep shadow. The sky coming through the bare trees was also colorful.
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Friday, February 13, 2015
Bright Rose Oil Painting Flower Art Still Life Garden
I love the intense color of this rose which grows by a neighbor's mailbox. Now I wish I had these near my house so I could gaze at them more often!
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Sunday, February 08, 2015
Feisty Rooster Oil Painting Pet Portrait Art Chicken Farm Animal
Some roosters look very confrontational. But they can also be seen as simply assertive I think. This one has a certain look and the viewers can decide what his attitude represents to them. I think he's feisty.
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Wednesday, February 04, 2015
Apples in Bowl Oil Fruit Still Life Painting Garden Kitchen Food
Gala apples and a shiny bowl share the spotlight in this painting.
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Saturday, January 31, 2015
Niki Oil Painting Cat Art Animal Pet Portrait Feline
A friend's magnificent long-haired male cat is a wonderful model for me. I captured him in several expressive poses so I will probably have another painting of him in the future.
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Saturday, January 24, 2015
Lee Creek Harmony Oil Landscape Painting Water Tree Leaves
A stretch of lazy Lee creek in Arkansas was lit with summer sun falling on its water and rocky bed when it was captured in a photo. The addition of dioxazine purple to my palette added a dreamy quality I decided.
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Sunday, January 18, 2015
Tabby With Toy Oil Painting Pet Cat Art Animal Portrait
This guy's human family shared a photo of him playing with a toy near the hearth of their burning fireplace. I thought it was adorable and I got the feeling of him enjoying the warmth of a fire in these winter months. The sides of the canvas are painted making it easier to hang unframed if desired.
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Saturday, January 17, 2015
Group of Pears Oil Fruit Still Life Painting Garden Kitchen Food
Oil on stretched canvas, 11" x 14" x 3/4".
Pears are always interesting to paint because their shapes resemble characteristics of the human form. These multi-colored pears really glowed when their forms were brightly lit in this setting. This painting has staple-free sides that are painted if you'd like to hang it unframed.
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Saturday, January 10, 2015
Winter Titmouse Oil Painting Bird Art Animals Portrait Wildlife Tufted Titmouse Bird
Winter is a great time to watch birds because they're not hidden by foliage as they perch on stumps or come to feeders. This sweet guy is all puffed up against the cold and has a definite attitude as you can see!
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